(This picture is from Risser's blog: http://blog.pixnet.net/risser/post/12373221.)

Risser的網誌看到這個系列的海報,我就被它的桃紅色外殼給燒到了! (超大火!!!)

這是我第一次這樣被大火燒,想要一整個系列的產品就像雪姬文章裡說的,買化妝品時的第一印象很重要,我也覺得是這樣,真的很想要的就是真的很想要,就算一時可以忍住,說服自己不要買,但時間過了越久,想要的慾望就越強烈,令人魂牽夢縈,不買回來真的是渾身不舒服從二月初時看見海報,就開始期待MAC Hetherette Collection上市,在Specktra.Net早看好了色號,就等著它開賣了原本預計MAR 27上市,結果前幾天看到Specktra最新消息說"Due to popular demand by YOU, Heatherette has been pushed up to a March 20th release!” 真是很開心,每天放學回家就是要check官網看看能不能order,沒想到今天(MAR 18)官網才剛剛release,已經有接近一半的東西temporarily out of stock!!! OMG~~兩天後才正式release,為什麼為什麼已經有一半的東東沒貨了呢?!目前MAC給我的mail是說有些back order可能要兩週左右才會寄出 好久啊~~

(This picture is from http://www.maccosmetics.com/.)

(This picture is from kissandmakeup blog.)

The below summary information comes from http://www.maccosmetics.com/

1.Lipstick: Lollipop Loving, Fleshpot, Hollywood Nights, Melrose Mood ($14.00)

2.Lipglass: Bonus Beat, Sock Hop, Style Minx, Starlet Kiss ($14.00)

3.Heatherette Trio 1: Mood Ring, Cloudburst, Hoppin' ($32.50)

4.Hetherette Trio 2: Baby Petals, V.I.P., Cassette

Dual Edge Pencil: Black Funk/Pop Blue, Phone Me/Text Me, Nighthawk/Front Row, Fab Orchid/Dash Lily ($16.00)

6.Glitter: Reflects Gold, 3D Silver ($16.50)
7.Pigment: Jardin Aires, Pink Pearl ($19.50)

8.Nail Lacquer: Lola Devine, $$$$$ Yes ($10.00)

9.Beauty Powder: Smooth Harmony, Alpha Girl ($22.00)

10.Lash:She's good, She's bad ($11.00)


Mar 19

剛剛收到MAC的mail,除了Beauty Powder and 3D silver Glitter仍是Back order,其餘的都有貨嚕!開心開心  

Mar 22

I just checked the MAC official website, and found that all "Temporarily out of stock" were already tooken off. Except Melrose Mood l/s and Alpha girl b/p are already out of stock, other things are still available on-line now. It looks like this collection is a big bomb for women and burns out all our money.

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